Posted by Eta Phi Sports on Aug 26, 2012 in Sports | 0 comments
August 24, 2012 2:00 AM
PORTSMOUTH ? Jack Rodgers and Michael Stringham scored goals as the Portsmouth High School boys reserve soccer team defeated Concord, 2-0, on Thursday.
Wiley Hundertmark and John Franks sharing goaltending duties for Portsmouth (1-0).
The USA Mavericks baseball club is holding tryouts for the 2013 season at Bert George Field in Rochester on Aug. 26. Tryouts will start at 8 a.m. for the U13 and U14 age divisions. the U12 age division will start at 10:30 a.m. the high school age division, including U15, U16 and Showcase will start at noon.
Registration can be done online at www.usatrainingcenters.com or at the field the day of tryouts. there will be a $20 tryout fee. please arive 20 minutes early for check-in.
PORTSMOUTH ? the Portsmouth Recreation Department will be having a Women?s Basketball League this fall beginning in mid-September.
To sign up or get more information, please call league director Mike Eliasberg at 828-7320.
The 27th annual St. Thomas Aquinas High School Golf Open will be held Friday, Sept. 21 at the Links at Outlook in South Berwick, Maine. Proceeds from the Golf Open benefit STA athletic programs and will help obtain needed equipment, coaching tools and facility updates.
Registration includes 18 holes of golf with cart (8 a.m. shotgun start), hole contests, continental breakfast (7:30 a.m.), lunch, snacks, a gift, and raffles.
The cost is $155 for individual golfers and $600 for a foursome. A discounted rate of $125 per golfer is offered for St. Thomas Aquinas alumni. please register no later than Sept. 4.
Call 742-3206, ext. 5241 to register, or visit www.stalux.org/golfopen for more information.
DURHAM ? the University of New Hampshire gymnastics program will be holding gymnastics classes for school-age community children on Wednesday afternoons at the UNH Field House starting Sept. 5.
Classes of all levels for boys and girls are taught in a safe, progressive manner.
The 13-week fall session runs from Sept. 5 to Dec. 5. there are two separate class times available: 4-5 p.m. and 5-6 p.m. each session costs $146.25 plus a $20 registration fee.
For more information, contact Melanie Brown at 862-4148 or melanie.brown@unh.edu.
DURHAM ? the University of New Hampshire women?s lacrosse program will hold a Wildcat Lacrosse High School Clinic on Sunday, Sept. 23 at UNH?s Memorial Field.
The clinic is open to girls entering grades 9-12 in the fall semester. Participants will learn elite skills from UNH coach Sarah Albrecht, who is entering her seventh year as a player on the U.S. national team, as well as assistant coach Eileen Finn and members of the UNH lacrosse team.
Cost of the clinic, which will be held from noon to 2:30 p.m., is $75. Visit www.unhwildcats.com to download a registration form, or e-mail sarah.albrecht@unh.edu for more information.
Portsmouth Babe Ruth is looking to field three teams in the Seacoast Fall Ball League. Players are needed for a middle school team, a high school junior varsity team, and a high school varsity team. All teams play doubleheaders on Saturdays for middle school and Sundays for high school teams.
The cost to participate is $115 per player, which includes hat, shirt, all umpire fees, baseballs for the teams, league fees and insurance. the teams will be rostered on a first-come, first-served basis. to secure a spot, send an email ASAP to Mike Young at myoung@portsmouthbaberuth.org and confirm that your son is playing and for which team. for more information, please visit www.portsmouthbaberuth.org.
The Project Safety 5K and Family Fun run will take place on Saturday, Sept. 29 at Portsmouth High School. the competitive race begins at 8:30 a.m. and the Family Costumed Fun run takes place immediately following.
All funds go directly to Project Safety, a teen prevention program for Portsmouth students and their families. to register, go to active.com or coolrunning.com. Free T-shirts go to participants who register before Sept. 15.
PORTSMOUTH ? Portsmouth Little League will be conducting a Fall Ball program from Sept. 8 through Oct. 20 for interested players who will be age 7 and no more than age 13 on April 30, 2013.
The program will consist of games on weekends with a practice session during the week. Players will be assigned to teams by age.
Registration fee is $50 per player and includes a team T-shirt, cap and socks ($25 for additional players from the same family). Players will be placed on teams once registration closes and notified of team assignments.
Registration is online only and open until Sept. 3 at www.portsmouthbaseball.com. for more information and to coach a team, contact Mike Megliola at michael.megliola@gmail.com.
The Hampton Men?s Softball League is seeking two teams for its fall season. for more information, contact league president Darold Mosher at 926-4404.
Registration for the Seacoast Rotary Club?s fourth annual Turkey Trot 5K is open at www.seacoastrotary.org
Held each year on Thanksgiving morning, the Turkey Trot provides a fun and relaxed race for individuals, families and walkers. part of the Portsmouth Community Road race Series, the 3.1-mile race starts at Peirce Island and finishes at Strawbery Banke. this year?s race will be capped at 3,000 registrants and registration will close on Nov. 18.
Prizes will be awarded to the top three finishers in each division as well as for the best costume.
PORTSMOUTH ? the Portsmouth Elks No. 97 local soccer shoot will be held Sunday, Aug. 26, beginning at 11 a.m. at Dondero School. this event for children up to age 13 tests competitors? accuracy in shooting soccer balls into a goal with no goalkeeper present.
Registration will begin at 11 a.m. and competition will follow once all contestants are signed in. there is no entry fee. A certified birth certificate is required and must be shown at the time of registration.
There will be four age divisions for boys and girls: 7 and under, 8-9, 10-11, and 12-13. All division winners will receive trophies and are eligible to move on to the State Championship in the competition.
If you have any questions, contact Colin McGee at 436-0707 or at colin@klmcgeebiz.com.
Portsmouth Middle School is seeking applications for a boys varsity soccer coach. Interested applicants should call Barry Foley at 817-9483.
KITTERY, Maine ? Kittery Youth Cheerleading, a non-profit competitive cheer program, is seeking experienced volunteer coaches for the 2012-13 competition season.
The season runs from October/November until April. Coaches are responsible for developing and directing practices, choreographing routines and preparing for competitions.
Interested candidates should send a letter of interest and resume to Kittery Recreation Department, Attn: Jeremy Paul, 200 Rogers Rd., Kittery, ME 03904. Coaching applications can also be found at the Recreation Department home on the Town of Kittery website, www.kittery.org.
If you have any questions, please contact the Recreation Department at (207) 439-3800.
DURHAM ? the University of New Hampshire men?s basketball program will hold its annual Coach Gerry Friel Memorial Golf Tournament on Friday, Sept. 14 at the Links at Outlook in South Berwick, Maine. Tee time is 9 a.m.
The men?s basketball ?Wildcat Weekend? also includes the UNH football game vs. Central Connecticut State on Saturday, Sept. 15 (noon kickoff).
For more information about the Coach Gerry Friel Memorial Golf Tournament, contact Scott Weitzell at 862-2490 or via e-mail at unh.hoops@unh.edu.
DURHAM ? the Friends of University of New Hampshire Cross Country and Track & Field will host the inaugural UNH Cross Country race on Saturday, Sept. 1 at the College Woods course, located behind the Field House.
The women?s race will kick off at 9 a.m., followed by the men?s race at 10 a.m. and the kids? race at 11 a.m. the entry fee is $20 for adults (5K) and $5 for kids (1K). Awards will be handed out to top finishers.
For more information about the Friends of UNH Cross Country and Track & Field Cross Country race, contact Rob Hoppler at 862-4740 or via e-mail at Rob.Hoppler@unh.edu.
PORTSMOUTH ? Registration is open for the 7th annual New Heights Golf Tournament with proceeds to benefit New Heights, an out-of-school youth development program for teens in Portsmouth.
The tournament is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 20, with registration and a kick-off breakfast at 8 a.m., followed by a 9 a.m. shotgun start at Portsmouth Country Club in Greenland.
In addition to 18 holes of golf, the annual event includes lunch, various hole-in-one contests, a putting contest, raffle, and online auction, which runs Sept. 1-23.
Registration for the tournament is $200 per player and includes greens fees, contests, swag bag and lunch. to sign up as a player or learn more about sponsorship opportunities, visit www.newheightsgolf.com, or call 422-8235.
The York High School Athletic Hall of Fame golf tournament is slated for Saturday, Sept. 29 at Cape Neddick Country Club.
The shotgun start is 9:30 a.m.
Cost is $400 per team or $100 per person, which includes golf, cart, prizes and barbecue luncheon. Prizes are awarded to the top three gross and net teams, longest drive, closest to the pin and straightest drive.
To register, call 363-1040 or mail roster and check, payable to YHSAHOF to Robin Cogger, York Parks and Recreation Dept., 186 York St., York, Maine 03909. Registration deadline is Sept. 15.
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Source: http://epou.net/?p=70803
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